Fr Andrew Chen OMI appointed as new Provincial of Australian Province

It was announced on the 24th September 2024 by the Fr Chicho Rois OMI, Superior General of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, and his council, that Fr Andrew Chen OMI has been appointed as the next Provincial of the Australian Province.

Fr Andrew, who was born in China, and migrated as a young adult to Melbourne, Australia, first came to know the Oblates through the St Mary’s Scholasticate community, then in Mulgrave, VIC. Fr Andrew was formed in the Australia province and took his perpetual vows as a Missionary Oblate in 2007. He was ordained as a priest in 2008 and has served in many communities across Australia including parishes, schools, university chaplaincy and more recently has been the Bursar of the Australian province and the Rector of St Mary’s Scholasticate in Camberwell, VIC.

We congratulate Fr Andrew Chen on his appointment as Provincial and we pray that the Holy Spirit guides him in his leadership and that he is inspired by the daring spirit of St Eugene de Mazenod and all the Australian provincials before him.

We thank Fr Christian Fini OMI for his tireless service to the province over the last six years, during a particularly challenging time involving the Coronavirus pandemic. We trust the good Lord will give him due rest before offering his next exciting opportunity.