On Sunday 17th February, Oblates all over the world celebrated our 193rd Anniversary of Papal Approbation, or in other words, we commemorated the day on which Pope Leo XII officially validated the work of Eugene and his Missionaries of Provence and officially approved the order as the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. It has become a great tradition for Oblate communities to come together and celebrate our history, our present community and the future to come. Oblates traditionally renew their vows on this day and also consecrate themselves to Mary Immaculate, the patroness of our congregation.
It was fortunate that this year the feast fell on Sunday and allowed us to mark the occasion with even more celebration. A mass was held in the Seminary chapel with the two Camberwell communities. We were lucky to have Fr Gerard Conlan OMI with us to celebrate, while he is back from Kenya for a short while. The mass was followed by a lovely, celebratory lunch and of course great Oblate community frivolity.
We continue to pray for our congregation, for all our Oblate priests, brothers, sisters and lay associates that they may continue to live out the charism of St Eugene in our time, proclaiming the love of God to the poor and most abandoned. We pray for vocations and the continuation of our ministries.
To read the Address from the Superior General for the occasion, click here.