Year 12 Mazenod Leaders visit Seminary — Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Australia

Year 12 Mazenod Leaders visit Seminary

On 3rd May 2019, five of the Year 12 school leaders and prefects from Mazenod College VIC, visited St Mary’s Seminary, Camberwell as a part of an opportunity to “Come & See” the life and mission of the Oblates and in particular, the life of our seminarians.

The Mazenod School Captain, Elvis Tran, accompanied by four of his peers and Mrs Pier Bourne, Year 12 Coordinator, joined Frs John Sherman, Daniel Szewc, Andrew Chen and Brs Joshua Nash and Thuan Bui in the new St Mary’s Seminary. They began with a tour of the new Camberwell premises and were all thoroughly impressed. The school leaders and Mrs Bourne joined the community for their evening prayers and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, before sharing pizza for dinner and lively conversation. It was a great opportunity for these young men to have an inside look into an Oblate community and specifically the formation community. They had many questions and were able to discuss these with our Oblates over dinner. These young men are coming to a crucial point in their lives where they are discerning what to do after school and this evening provided them with an insight into one great possibility, whether they are called to be Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.
Please keep these young men in your prayers as they continue through Year 12 and into their futures. Please continue to pray for Oblate vocations and if you are interested in joining in a “Come and See” you can find information here about the next one on 24-25 May.
