Inter-Chapter 2019 - POLAND
Rule 128e of our Constitutions and Rules directs that, “Between Chapters, the Superior General in Council, in plenary session, will call at least one meeting of the Provincials with the Central Government. After consulting the Provincials, he will determine the details of the convocation and the agenda of the meeting”.
In keeping with this rule and the practice, on March 1, 2018, Fr. Superior General convoked an “Inter-Chapter” meeting of the Provincials and the Central Government of the Congregation. The Superiors of Delegations and the Superiors of Missions in the Region of Europe were likewise requested to attend this gathering.
The Oblate Scholasticate of the Province of Poland, in Obra, is now ready to host the OMI Inter-Chapter 2019 from July 1-13. It will be an important time for the leaders of our Congregation,
to evaluate the extent to which decisions taken in Chapter have been carried out,
to encourage further implementation of such decisions,
to provide for the remote preparation of the next Chapter” (R 128e).
The preparation for the meeting had begun almost a year ago, as the Provincials, Superiors of Delegations and Missions, their respective Councils as well as the Regional Conferences, responded to a questionnaire sent to them by the Ad hoc Committee for the meeting.
The Inter-Chapter will certainly be a great opportunity for the Congregation in order to achieve greater effectiveness in responding to the directions set by the last General Chapter.