Safeguarding Audit Highlights Oblates’ Commitment to Best Practices — Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Australia

Safeguarding Audit Highlights Oblates’ Commitment to Best Practices

The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (Oblates) have demonstrated a strong commitment to safeguarding children and adults at risk, as highlighted in a recent audit by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd (ACSL). The audit found that 99% of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS) indicators relevant to the Oblates’ ministries are either fully embedded or in place, with one indicator still under development.

ACSL CEO Dr. Ursula Stephens praised the Oblates’ leadership and investment in safeguarding resources, emphasizing their focus on both child safety and the protection of at-risk adults. The audit also showcased effective practices within Oblate ministries, including holistic education approaches in school settings that foster safe and supportive environments.

While prior recommendations have largely been addressed, the audit identified areas for further improvement, such as clarifying safeguarding governance responsibilities and enhancing training and reporting tools.

Fr. Christian Fini OMI, Australian Provincial of the Oblates, reaffirmed the congregation’s dedication to safeguarding, apologizing to survivors of abuse and pledging to implement the audit’s recommendations to minimize harm and ensure a just response to disclosures.

The full ACSL media release and audit report are available for further details.
