Once the chaos of the Christmas period has passed us by, and we have rejoiced in the birth of Christ while celebrating with our nearest and dearest, we can often find ourselves thinking about the upcoming year, which often pairs with new years resolutions.
Christmas Message from Fr Christian Fini OMI
As another unusual and difficult year comes to an end, on behalf of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate of the Australian Province I wish you and your families peace and all the blessings of the Christmas season.
I thank you for all your prayers and support over the last challenging twelve months; I pray you in return will be richly blessed.
May 2022 be a year of peace, prosperity and joy for all of us.
God bless
Fr Christian Fini OMI
Br Joshua's Ordination to the Diaconate
Moments of Grace - December
Perpetual Vows for Br Josh & Br Luan
New Web Series OMI LIFE is out now!
De Mazenod Family Gathering 2021
With much excitement and success, we held our Annual Gathering of the De Mazenod Family on 7 August 2021. This is the third such Gathering that has been held, with the first meeting held physically in Fremantle in 2019, with different representatives from the various Oblate ministries across Australia.
Evangelisation in today's digital world
St John Vianney's: Building Community
Oblate Safeguarding May 2021
De Mazenod Family May Program
Happy Easter from the Oblates!
Feast of St Joseph - Protector of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate
St Patrick's Day Reflection - Fr Austin Cooper OMI
Fr Ian Mackintosh OMI, RIP
Affectionately known as “The Bear”, Fr Ian was passionate about the Oblates and the Church, prepared his sermons in great detail, loyal and steadfast. He saw the best in people, was kind, and responded to needs.
We thank God for Fr Ian’s faithful service to the Australia Province and Church for over 55 years.
Anniversary of the Approval of the Congregation and Rule
Lenten Reflection - Fr Austin Cooper OMI
Fr Bernard O'Brien OMI, RIP
Christmas Message
De Mazenod Family Gathering 2.0
On Sunday 29th November members from the De Mazenod Family all around Australia logged in for the De Mazenod Family Gathering 2.0. We had around 100 people gathered with most connected as individuals, plus a small number who connected in Parishes as a community. De Mazenod Family Gathering 2.0 was an opportunity for us to introduce our team, and be able to “see” them, given that COVID-19 stopped us from meeting in person.