A Joyous Celebration: Two New Perpetually Professed Oblates

This past weekend was a time of great joy and gratitude as the De Mazenod Family gathered to celebrate the perpetual oblations of Br Danistan OMI and Br Rupesh OMI. Their solemn vows, made last Saturday at St John Vianney's Parish, Mulgrave, marked a significant milestone in their journey of faith and commitment to the Oblate Missionary life. 

With hearts full of devotion, Br Danistan and Br Rupesh professed their lifelong dedication to serving God and His people as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Their oblation is a testament to their deep calling to follow Christ, inspired by the charism of St Eugene de Mazenod. 

As we rejoice in this sacred moment, we continue to pray that God blesses our community with more vocations and dedicated missionaries to labour in His vineyard. May Br Danistan and Br Rupesh be strengthened in their mission and find abundant grace in their journey ahead. 

Building Connections and Strengthening Leadership: DMFEN Student Leaders Conference 2025

The 2025 De Mazenod Family Education Network (DMFEN) Student Leaders Conference was an enriching and transformative experience for student leaders across Australia. Hosted by St Eugene College at the stunning Luther Heights Camp Site in Coolum, this annual event provided students with the opportunity to develop leadership skills, engage in faith-based discussions, and build meaningful connections—all while enjoying the beauty of Coolum Beach.

School Captains and other elected leaders from Mazenod College WA, Iona College QLD, Mazenod College VIC, and St Eugene College QLD came together to represent their colleges, share their experiences, and discuss their hopes for the year ahead. Ms Louise Olley warmly welcomed all participants, setting the stage for an inspiring conference led by the Oblate Fathers and newly appointed Provincial Fr Andrew Chen OMI.

Fr Michael Twigg OMI focussed on the identity of St Eugene de Mazenod and how his experiences influenced his work. He also explained how the Oblates were formed and how a charism is established. Fr Harry Dyer OMI provided staff and students with an insight into the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and the Australian Province / China Delegation. Fr Andrew titled his talk “Pilgrims of Hope” and used the Jubilee Year to inspire everyone about the true essence of leadership in the context of Christ and the Gospels. He started his presentation quoting Pope Francis and the Holy Father’s hopes for the world in 2025.

“The coming Jubilee will thus be a Holy Year marked by the

hope that does not fade, our hope in God. May it help us to

recover the confident trust that we require, in the Church and

in society, in our interpersonal relationships, in international

relations, and in our task of promoting the dignity of all

persons and respect for God’s gift of creation.”

(Pope Francis, Spes Non Confundit 25)

Fr Joe Antony OMI and the respective college leaders provided their insights and experiences during workshops, activities, panels and casual discussions.

The student leaders addressed the conference on the first day, sharing information about projects and actions that build and nourish the De Mazenod Family Charism at their school. Throughout the conference students discovered strategies on how to host discussions effectively, utilizing various models and techniques, to engage young people and allow them to be genuinely involved.

Topics included: Social Justice, Respect, Building Integrity, Prayer and Devotion and Sustainability. In fact, the number of topics expanded throughout the conference, highlighting the need to be strategic to ensure outcomes can be reached. Schools are very busy places and sharing workloads by building teams to share responsibilities was discussed. Words such as authentic, vulnerable, courageous were used to appreciate the styles of leadership required as well.

Mr Ben Devlin and Mr Trevor Goodwin amused and challenged the students with their interactive and comprehensive presentations recognizing the qualities of good leadership such as having effective habits and utilizing teamwork.

The students embraced the opportunity and the challenges of the conferences. On the last day they were asked to identify priorities and recognizable outcomes for their year. The students did a brilliant job and were clearly grateful to the staff for not only sharing their expertise and their experience, but for their generosity and passion to provide student voice in our colleges.

It was very clear to all who attended we are very blessed to have the Oblate Fathers, dedicated staff and inspiring young people in our colleges. Bring on 2025.

A Message of Gratitude and Mission from the New Provincial

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the OMI Family,

I would like to greet you all as the new Provincial of the Australian Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Thank you very much for the messages of support and prayers sent to me since I was appointed in September 2024.

Last week, the Provincial Council officially commenced our mandate as the leadership team for the Australian Province for the next three years. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Fr Christian Fini, who has led us over the past six years with great energy, creativity, vision, and passion, guiding us through one of the most challenging periods in recent history. A significant milestone during his leadership was the formal establishment of the De Mazenod Family in the Australian Province. This was born out of conviction that the Charism of St Eugene and the Oblates is a gift from the Holy Spirit to the wider Church.

I very much share this conviction; that the future of the Australian Province must include you- our partners in mission -journeying with us, as Pilgrims of Hope in Communion, to quote the theme of the 37th Chapter of the Oblates in 2022.

Yours openness and your enthusiasm to appreciate the charism of St Eugene and the Oblates and incorporate it into your personal faith and daily life gives us, vowed Oblates, a renewed sense of appreciation of this wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit that we vow to live out daily in community.

Thank you for walking this journey with us. Thank you for your continued support in our mission and ministry. Thank you for your example of faith commitment.

I look forward to meeting you in person as I go around the Province and vising all ministries. May God bless you abundantly!

Yours in St Eugene and Mary Immaculate,

Fr Andrew Chen OMI


National Oblate Youth Encounter 2025

This summer saw yet another successful National Oblate Youth Encounter as 85 youth participants joined together at Mazenod College Victoria to celebrate 4 days of faith, fun and friendship. It was great to see an increase in numbers from the last few years, and especially to see representatives from Oblate communities that previously had not sent any. We were delighted to welcome students from all four Oblate colleges and youth from at least eight Oblate parishes. There were young people and Oblates from all five states that we are present in.

The theme this year was “Leave Nothing Undared” taking inspiration from St Eugene’s words to his Oblates upon the foundation of the congregation to “spare no effort to extend the Saviour’s reign.” Tishan Lokuge and Clarisse Campos were our MCs, leading the participants in a program of talks, workshops, prayers, adoration, reconciliation and mass. Not to mention fun activities and plenty of time to bond and build connections.

We are most grateful to all the parish and school communities who supported their young people to attend NOYE. We are blessed to have an amazing Hosting Community and team of young people who work tirelessly to put on this camp every year. Many thanks to Mazenod College and the local Oblates for their hospitality in hosting us.

May the spirit of St Eugene de Mazenod shine forth in our young people as they now return to their daily lives but continue to leave nothing undared for the kingdom of God.

- Fr Joshua Nash

Celebrating the Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a day of immense significance for the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. This feast commemorates Mary’s conception without original sin, chosen by God to be the Mother of Jesus and a model of purity, humility, and grace.

For the Oblates, Mary is both Patroness and companion, inspiring the mission to bring Christ to the world, especially to the poor and most abandoned.

As we honour Mary, we draw inspiration from the recent letter from our Superior General, Fr. Luis Ignacio Rois Alonso, OMI. His reflection on the words “Rejoice, full of grace!” calls us to renew our missionary commitment, mirroring Mary’s complete self-offering and unwavering trust in God.

This year, as the feast is celebrated on December 9th due to its traditional date coinciding with a Sunday, we are invited to reflect on the significance of Mary’s role in salvation history. Mary was not only the first and foremost disciple, but also the first missionary, who set out without haste to bring Christ to the world.

Her acceptance of God’s will shines as a beacon of hope in a world burdened by injustice, conflict, and environmental challenges. Fr. Chicho reminds us that Mary’s example challenges us to live the Gospel more authentically, deepen our dedication to serving the poor, and embrace the transformative joy of conversion.

Through Mary’s intercession we pray that our congregation and our De Mazenod Family are renewed in our missionary oblation at the service of the poor and most abandoned. 

To read the full letter from the Superior General, please click here:

Safeguarding Audit Highlights Oblates’ Commitment to Best Practices

The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (Oblates) have demonstrated a strong commitment to safeguarding children and adults at risk, as highlighted in a recent audit by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd (ACSL). The audit found that 99% of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS) indicators relevant to the Oblates’ ministries are either fully embedded or in place, with one indicator still under development.

ACSL CEO Dr. Ursula Stephens praised the Oblates’ leadership and investment in safeguarding resources, emphasizing their focus on both child safety and the protection of at-risk adults. The audit also showcased effective practices within Oblate ministries, including holistic education approaches in school settings that foster safe and supportive environments.

While prior recommendations have largely been addressed, the audit identified areas for further improvement, such as clarifying safeguarding governance responsibilities and enhancing training and reporting tools.

Fr. Christian Fini OMI, Australian Provincial of the Oblates, reaffirmed the congregation’s dedication to safeguarding, apologizing to survivors of abuse and pledging to implement the audit’s recommendations to minimize harm and ensure a just response to disclosures.

The full ACSL media release and audit report are available for further details.